Thursday, December 18, 2008

Crit Racing

Well since i won't be allowed to race until April, I try to do anything I can to stay motivated. My last Dr. visit my ortho was upset with me trying to get on the trainer. He reminded me my deltoid is still not attached and any stress on it can injure it more. I keep forgetting that its not only my clavicle but also the deltoid that I messed up.

I was surfing the web TXBRA and saw that the Matrix Challenge next year just happens to be the same time as AthensTwilightCrit I think anyone that races in the US needs to try the Twilight Crit in Athens GA atleast ones! I've done it the last two years and it is one of the biggest races due to the fans/music/racers/venue it just an awesome crit.

I just hope my next follow up in Jan my ortho lets me get on the trainer. I'm going crazy not being able to wkout or atleast he will let me get back to work.

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